Make a Booking
Request an estimate
Thanks for your interest! Please give us as much information as possible so we can provide an accurate estimate for your project's drilling requirements.
Reserve a rig
Our fleet of sonic drill rigs are often booked more than two months in advance. To ensure that your project receives the resources it needs, reserve your rig ahead of time.
Project information
If your project has already been booked, please submit a project information form no later than one week in advance of your start date.
Why use sonic drilling technology?
Sonic Drilling Ltd. uses a fleet of sonic drill rigs, manufactured and supplied by the Sonic Drill Corporation — the company that developed, commercialized and patented modern-day sonic drilling technology. With more than 37 years of experience, we offer the highest level of sonic drilling knowledge using the most advanced technology in the world.
With blistering drill speeds and the added advantage of being able to buzz through unconsolidated and overburden soil conditions, our sonic rigs are often called in as "rescue rigs" to save a project that is bogged down by difficult terrain or lagging behind on a demanding time schedule.
Our team
Skilled drillers, professional project management
A dedicated and professional team is the foundation of Sonic Drilling Ltd. Our project coordinators and certified drill crews work hard to ensure that your project is completely quickly and efficiently. Our crews are trained in OSHA, WHMIS and first aid and every crew is equipped with all necessary safety equipment. Compared to traditional rigs, the sonic drill is a safer machine to operate due to the use of smooth rods and casing. A tilting drill head and hydraulic break-out wrenches reduce manual labor and no auger flights increase operator safety.
On time, on budget
We offer contracted drilling services, repair services as well as tooling and custom tooling for sonic drill heads. Safety, efficiency and client satisfaction are our top three business priorities. We understand the need to complete projects on-time and on-budget for our many valued customers.