The sonic drill rig has long been known for its ability to provide continuous core samples to 300 feet and beyond. Core sampling is generally performed ahead of the outside casing. Once the desired depth is achieved, an outer drill pipe is advanced outside the core barrel to keep the borehole open and prevent cross-contamination.
- The core sample is then lifted from the borehole and inserted into a long plastic sleeve. Core samples can be stored and transported in the sleeve or cut open on the job site to log and photograph, providing a precise and detailed profile of virtually any soil conditions. With its ability to obtain large volumes of undisturbed core samples, engineers are able to receive a detailed, inch-by-inch analysis.
- Developed by Ray Roussy, president of the Sonic Drill Corporation and Sonic Drilling Ltd., sonic drills have quickly become the environmental superstars of the drilling industry. Using water instead of drilling mud to case the hole, sonic drill rigs greatly reduce the clean-up time at each site and help leave a smaller environmental footprint. Looking much like a conventional air or mud rotary drill rig, a sonic can be easily recognized by its drill head, which is slightly larger than a standard rotary head.
- It is this patented drill head that allows rapid drilling through most geological formations through a combination of forces including rotary motion, oscillation and vibration. With its ability to drill through overburden material at a rate of 3-5 times faster than other methods, sonic drills are now considered the elite tool of choice for many drilling companies around the world.